"Genres and Types of Music:"
- 20th-Century music - what is this? REMOVE!
- Ambient/Digital music - they mean, ELECTRO
- Ancient music - benhur? REMOVE
- Band music (including marching bands) - nick cannon? REMOVE
- Barbershop music - FOLK
- Baroque music - thats not how you spell Barack. CLASSICAL
- Bluegrass - it says grass, but it's not Hendrix. FOLK
- Blues - this might be ignorance, but i can only imagine anyone arguing unto an extent where they end up sounding completely corny. FOLK
- Chamber music - CLASSICAL
- Children's Music - REMOVE - i just don't care.
- Choral music - REMOVE - i just don't care.
- Country music - FOLK
- Dance music - ELECTRO
- Early music - no no no.
- Electronic music - ELECTRO
- Ethnic and national music - nope.
- Film Music - jc...
- Flamenco - i will dance to it, but starting a collection... sorry. LATIN
- Folk music - FOLK
- Improvisation - FOLK
- Jazz - FOLK
- Opera, Opera Companies, and Musical Theatre - CLASSICAL
- Orchestral music - CLASSICAL
- Ragtime - post sad sex music? REMOVE
- Rap/Hip hop - HIPHOP
- Reggae/Ska - genius! but they must be separated REGGAE and SKA
- Religious music - ...REGGAE
- Rock/Pop/Alternative, etc. and Music Charts - blatant disregard for music in a modern, complex world - divided into ROCK, OLD SCHOOL POP and CONTEMPORARY POP
- Seasonal and Wedding music - REMOVE
- Tango - LATIN
- Women composers and women's music - ...? i think thats included above...
- R&B
wow, looks like i'll have to design all the media myself...